ぷちヨガ 荒木 ひとみ

世界中Wi-Fiがあれば受講可能 ご好評いただいているonlineクラスおすすめです。ご家族揃ってご参加どうぞ



yogajournal japan複数号掲載。

yoga&fitness Vol掲載。





表参道スーパーフードーガニックカフェThe b にて毎月第4日曜ブランチ付き朝ヨガクラス開催。

松屋銀座JUANA DE ARCO pop up onlineヨガ出演。

松屋銀座 銀座の街をクリーンアップ&ヨガイベント登壇。









Real Stone ambassador 。

Style boat market 2nd ambassador 。

SLOLI ambassador 。

manduka supporter。





全部自分のプラスに思う気持ち次第。 明日に向けて笑顔で学びます。


2011年9月(平成23年) Santosha Yoga RYS 200 取得(バリ島にてSanny &PeterJoncliffod師にヨガの基本8支則を深く学ぶ)
2013年8月(平成25年) yogaworks RYT 200 収得 (解剖学、ヨガスートラ等詳しく学ぶ Romy Phillips師に学ぶ)
2014年2月(平成26年)シュミッツ千栄子呼吸法 BTT1 取得
2014年3月(平成26年) 経絡YOGAインストラクター養成講座 取得
講師:高村 昌寿(アーユルベーダや東洋医学概論のもと気の流れ経絡・ツボである経穴について学ぶ)
2014年12月(平成26年)現在yogaworks RYT 500 取得 (上級指導者向け資格。解剖学、生理学、アジャスト、哲学をより深く学ぶ Jennie Cohen&David Kim師に学ぶ)

2017年3月(平成29年)under the light yoga schoolリストラティブヨガ指導者養成コースLevel1習得
講師:奥野 恵子、近藤 真由美(プロップス等を使い脳の働きを鎮め精神を安定させ完全なリラクゼーションを作る実用的な構成を学ぶ)

2017年10月yogaworks創始者Chuck Miller師holistic practice習得

2019年7月yogaworks創始者Maty Ezraty師25時間teachertraining習得

2020年2月yogaworks創始者Lisa Walford師指導者向け中級クラス、ツイストのクラス受講

2022年8月under the light yoga school陰ヨガ指導者養成講座level3習得




◎We are a team!!(同じ心と体を持った人間であり皆兄弟)


About Me

I’m from Niigata Prefecture in Japan, my birthday is in June, I have one older sister, and I love my grandma!
After leaving the Kao Cosmetics Company in 2005, I spent 3 months on a round the world voyage with Peace Boat. After returning to Japan, I decided I wanted to change the direction of my life, and so to open up my options I spent three months furiously studying to obtain my high school graduation certification at age 28. Two months later I then started at Otsuma Women’s University, and during my summer vacation I went to Bali in Indonesia and obtained my National American Yoga Alliance certification. In 2012 I also worked as an assistant to the department chief of a mail-order cosmetics company. However it was during this time that I realized that I wanted to contribute to society by working in the yoga industry, and so I decided to become a yoga instructor. After working as a full-time instructor, I now work as a freelance instructor doing general classes (including senior, maternity, and private classes), classes for executives, as well as hot yoga. In April 2015, I spent 3 months as a Culture School yoga instructor onboard Peace Boat. 10 years after I first realized I wanted to change the direction of my life, I went onboard Peace Boat to show my gratitude, holding 2-3 classes a day of various kinds, as well as 4 lectures about yoga. I worked with passengers from teenagers to people in their 90s as well as staff onboard.

My journey with yoga

In practicing yoga everyday (both asanas and breathing), I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions. By learning about myself and making yoga an everyday habit, I’m learning how to achieve peace of mind and body and how to live a better life. One added bonus of practicing asanas everyday has been that I’m much more flexible and unnecessary things have been removed from my life. By practicing everyday, both men and women alike can see the change that yoga brings before their own eyes. In taking time to breathe and focus, all things become manageable.
Alongside yoga, I’ve also found some inspiring words. “When you are unsure of what to do next, first think of whether there is any beauty in the action or not.” Whilst I’m not sure who said it, it is a quote that I have taken to heart, so now I have learned to look for the beauty in things before I begin to worry.

The way I learn and think

Like a dream come to reality, Peace Boat has given me confidence in myself, and completely changed how I think, live and feel. Coming across yoga then added to this and even further helped me become a better person. Even though the ocean connects us all together, everyone is different, and even though someone’s religion or the environment they were raised in might be different, you can still create connections with those people. And I’ve also learned just how lucky I am to have been born in Japan. I want to look at everything with a positive mindset, face the future and learn with a smile.


September 2011 – Santosha Yoga RYS 200 (Studying the 8 fundamentals under Sanny and Peter Joncliffod at Bali)
August 2013 – yogaworks RTT 200 (Studying anatomy and yoga sutras under Romy Philips)
February 2014 – Chieko Schmitz Breathing BTT 1 (Studying meditation, introspection, breathing, breathing anatomy, structuring breathing lessons etc.)
March 2014 – Meridian Yoga instructor nutrition course (Studying meridian lines, acupuncture points and the role they serve in ayurvedic and eastern medicine, under ## Takamura)
December 2014 – yogaworks RTT 300 (Advanced Practitioners Certification. Studying anatomy, physiology, adjustment, and philosophy under Jennie Cohen and David Kim)